What would a healthy relationship look like today? Here, we are going to dive deep and try to understand the fundamentals of what it takes to love and be loved.
Healthy relationship vs Interests
Is your partner compatible with you or not? Are there differences or similarities in hobbies and interests? Either way, it should not be a driving factor away from each other. Instead, it should create room for appreciating the differences or similarities. When appreciation is practiced, deeper interest in each other follows.
Healthy relationship vs Communication
As cliché as it sounds, communication will always be key. Misunderstandings, harsh words, and no words are all contrary to a healthy relationship. All the above can trigger the brain and heart to develop negative connotations towards your special someone. Such as feelings of unsafety and unrest. This, in turn, can create drifts and long-term shallow talk.
Personal Wellbeing
Above all, you can’t give what you don’t have. If you aren’t in a good space with yourself, it becomes increasingly difficult to love and appreciate others. To love and appreciate yourself first has the world’s benefits in all aspects of your life. Thus, seek self-worth first.
Today’s View of a Healthy Relationship
Here’s what young adults have to say about a modern-day healthy relationship.
Making Adonai the center of a relationship is essential for it to last; therefore, laying that foundation together builds a deep spiritual connection with your partner. That is most definitely needed to pursue a healthy, strong relationship as it will automatically bring peace, genuine happiness, mutual respect, pure love, divine direction, and so much more.
Amoricha Jacobs, 18 Years Old
Picture an ideal relationship as a rare gem, polished by time and care, wrapped in love and golden affection. It’s a dance of two souls, where trust is the melody, respect is the rhythm, and love is the guiding light. In this sanctuary of mutual growth and understanding, partners embrace their flaws, celebrate their strengths, and nurture each other’s dreams. It’s not just a bond; it’s a masterpiece crafted with patience, kindness, and unwavering commitment—a testament to the enduring power of love in its purest form.
Henock Albert Ngimbi, 23 Years Old
Firstly, before anything else in a relationship, I believe you should be equally yoked. You should have a partner who believes in and worships the same God as you do. Secondly, your partner should be your friend—someone with whom you can be yourself. Thirdly, a partner should be a companion, someone who has your back and will solve problems together. As a couple, learn to appreciate, compromise, and communicate with one another. Be content with your partner, love each other for your beauty, and love each other even more for your flaws. Pray for each other and pray to love your partner correctly. Most importantly, be happy, add to your partner’s happiness, and create unforgettable memories together.
Kuneni Johannes, 23 Years Old
A healthy relationship is built on trust, communication, mutual respect, support, and understanding. Both partners feel valued, heard, and able to grow together, fostering happiness, love, and fulfilment.
Fred Karl Zapke, 18 Years Old
From what the youth have in mind, it’s clear that their opinions aren’t far from the global truth. Their views are backed up by an 80-year-old study on the relationships of mankind by Harvard University. They concluded that we need healthy and happy relationships to truly excel emotionally. Assets are all good and well, but we are wired for connections.
Thus, as a youth, seek deeper and healthier relationships with your partner as well as those around you.
Afterbreak Magazine is a Namibian digital youth magazine that presently leads in educating, empowering and entertaining young Namibian people, with the aim of building a community of growth, a sense of responsibility and a shared identity.
Afterbreak Magazine is a Namibian digital youth magazine that presently leads in educating, empowering and entertaining young Namibian people, with the aim of building a community of growth, a sense of responsibility and a shared identity.