Contrary to popular belief, your menstrual cycle does not sync up with the ladies around you.
I don’t know about you, but whenever me and my girlfriends meet up, it’s mandatory that we talk about our period and complain about how heavy, painful, and inconvenient it is. And although there is almost nothing that can be done because it is a biological process that we need to go through every (!) single (!) month (!), talking about it gives us a space to vent, get sympathy, and share our experiences, good and bad.
For your entertainment and increased knowledge on the topic, here are some interesting facts about your period.
Stress can actually delay your period. Which is crazy because when we don’t get our period on time, we become stressed, and our minds go down a rabbit hole, which often leads us to wonder if we are pregnant. I still don’t know how to stop stressing over my delayed periods, but it’s beneficial to know that high stress levels in your body can upset other hormones, thereby prolonging your flow.
The common flu can alter your cycle. That is because these viral infections have a more severe impact on the body’s immune system than we ever thought. When your body is battling the flu, it thinks you are not able to carry a pregnancy, so it delays your period until it handles the viral infection.

Dehydration can alter your period and make your cramps worse. It would work in your favour if you cut out salt, caffeine, and alcohol in the days leading to your period and increased your water intake. Cramps occur because your uterine muscles are contracting, so the more hydrated you are, the less the muscles contract.
You’re not only losing blood. During your menstruation, the blood is mixed with your cervical mucus as well as your uterine lining that has shed, which ends up coming out as blood clots. Cervical mucus is a discharge that your cervix produces and basically helps keep your vaginal tissues healthy and lubricated, as well as protect your cervix from anything going through once an egg has been fertilized. This is the same mucus that helps the sperm reach an egg to fertilize. Another crazy fact is that people actually track their mucus to indicate when they are likely to conceive. A wet and slippery mucus indicates fertility.

It is common to be fatigued, irritable, and moody when on your period. This is because while your ovaries are producing oestrogen and progesterone, the serotonin production is decreased. And because serotonin is a neurotransmitter, this decline results in low energy levels and mood swings. Additionally, if you already have low iron or are anaemic, you may experience the fatigue even worse because your body is unable to produce the haemoglobin that is required to transport oxygen. That’s also another reason why you may feel especially weak during your period.
Seasons play a role in your period. During the winter, your period can be longer. Plus, your immune system is weaker in winter, so you are more likely to catch a cold or flu. Remember how the flu can affect your period? Lack of sun may cause the endocrine system to slow down, resulting in fewer follicle-stimulating hormones being secreted, which leads to longer periods. Additionally, due to the weather, your cramps are more likely to worsen because your blood vessels become compressed.
So, the next time you are on your period and you feel weak or experience cramps, remember to get some water in and keep your body warm! We would love to hear your thoughts, so please share with us what you have noticed about your body during this period (no pun intended) or external factors that have affected your cycle. Stay warm and hydrated, and I wish you all a gentle, bearable flow.