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Just like there are various seasons in a year, as Christians, we also go through different spiritual seasons. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Therefore, it is crucial that we know which spiritual season we are in so that we are fully equipped and know what to do in order to ensure that we not only survive but thrive and bear fruit in any season.

With that said, let’s get straight into unpacking four of the major seasons that each Christian is guaranteed to go through.

1. The Stretching season

This season is equivalent to winter, which is the time when the trees have lost their leaves and appear dead to the naked eye. However, they are still alive and functioning; they are just in a season of internal growth. In like manner, during the stretching season, the Lord is doing something within us that may not be seen with the naked eye.

He is developing our character so that we can sustain the place that He is ultimately taking us to. Nevertheless, this is quite a challenging season, but we should rest in knowing that He makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him, as Romans 8:28 tells us.

2. The Pruning season

Spring is the time when new life comes about, but as the trees are blooming, the branches that aren’t producing optimal growth have to be pruned. Likewise, in the pruning season, the Lord will cut away relationships, friendships, mindsets and habits that no longer serve us.

Therefore, during a pruning season, we should expect God to remove certain things from our lives and this can be extremely difficult. However, 2 Corinthians 3:5 advises us to trust that our adequacy comes from God.

Image obtained from unsplash

3. The Dry season

As the name suggests, the dry season, just like summer brings heat and feels like a wilderness. This is the time when we feel distant from the Lord and no matter how much we pray, fast or read the word, God seems silent. It is during this time that we need to stop depending on our feelings to know that God is close, because He always is, as is written in Joshua 1:9.

We will also realize that certain things that we used to turn to for satisfaction are making us emptier, and this leads us to God. Nonetheless, it is crucial that we do not give up during this time, because on the other side, a big harvest awaits.

4. The Harvest season

This is the season that we all want to be experiencing- the season of reaping. The harvest season brings ease, and we can finally see the fruits of what God has been doing in the previous seasons. Notably, we need to write down what God has done in this season, so that we may look back at His goodness when we find ourselves in a more challenging season.

Image obtained from Unsplash

Although some seasons are more difficult than others, it is important that we embrace every season that we are in. We cannot pray ourselves out of a season, we need to wholeheartedly embrace it and in that we will be sowing good seed.

This article was highly inspired and referenced information from @MelodyAlisa on YouTube. Therefore, do make sure to visit her channel to learn more.

Sarafia Ewalistus

Hi guys, I'm Sarafia. I am a writer at Afterbreak Magazine who loves all things books, food and more food. I am a disciple of Jesus and spend most of my days talking to God, writing, watching YouTube videos and studying.

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Afterbreak Magazine is a Namibian digital youth magazine that presently leads in educating, empowering and entertaining young Namibian people, with the aim of building a community of growth, a sense of responsibility and a shared identity.

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