We all have dreams, yes, but have you ever wanted to know what they mean? We spoke to an experienced dream interpreter, Charmain Shalumbu, who is also an economist by profession. She shares the most common dreams and their meanings, along with how she’s able to interpret them.
I wear many hats, and I love them.
Charmain Shalumbu
Please tell me about yourself. Where you’re from and what you do.

CS: My name is Charmain Shalumbu. I am married to an honourable man, and I wear many hats by qualification. I am an economist, and my passion is working with young people. I run mentorship programmes where I mentor women. I am an entrepreneur by heart and have two businesses running: a speaker, an MC, and a biblical dream interpreter.
Can you explain the basics of dream interpretation for someone who may not be familiar with the concept?

CS: When you sleep, you have dreams. Sometimes these dreams carry actual, life-changing messages. Most people do not understand or even know that dreams can carry messages from God. Dreams may contain warnings, instructions, guidance, directions, and so much more. I often understand what dreams mean by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and use my gift to help people unlock their dreams.
At what age did you start interpreting dreams and how was that experience?
CS: I started interpreting dreams about seven or eight years ago. It all started with people having dreams; in their dreams, they would dream of telling me about the dream and me interpreting it for them. They would call me up the next day and ask me, and I would somehow just know what the dream meant. It happened so often that I soon discovered it to be a gift from God. I often pray before interpreting a dream.
Dreams are not the ultimate guide – The word of God is.
Charmain Shalumbu – Dream Interpreter
What types of dreams are most commonly brought to you for interpretation, and why do you think people are so interested in understanding their dreams?

CS: Dreams of being chased by snakes. This is the most common. The Bible refers to snakes as cunning. Snakes rarely mean anything good. [Others include] dreams of pregnancy, dreams of being in a classroom failing exams, or dreams of living in an old house.
People are interested because they often have the same dream, and it can lead to curiosity and sometimes even frustration. Sometimes people get oppressed by dreams; snake dreams can be so intense. People who have them will know. People want it to stop; hence, they seek understanding. I have people from all over the world sending messages. My team of 20 volunteers is always ready to assist, pray, and lead.
Do you believe that dream interpretation can provide valuable insights or guidance in people’s lives, and if so, how?
CS: Yes, absolutely. I’ve had people dream of accidents through interpretation, provide understanding, and, through prayer, prevent such situations from occurring. I am sure many of us reading this can relate to this story. Sometimes people say déjà vu, but it could be that they have experienced it in a dream. Dreams are not the ultimate guide; the word of God is. In as much as we interpret dreams, we always emphasise the Bible as the main way God speaks.
You mentioned that you have a team who helps you. Can you elaborate more on that?
CS: I currently have a team of 15 intercessors. I am training them to walk with the same gift. I host Instagram Lives, which are sometimes led by my team, on which these teachings and live interpretations take place. I believe in community and accountability. People sometimes reach out to us on our dream interpretation page or on my personal social media pages. My team then does the engaging.
If you wish to find out more about her team, submit an interpretation request, or simply understand what Charmain and her team does, you can visit their Instagram page.