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No, honestly, what exactly does Christianity mean to those in the community? Is it just going to church and hearing your pastor preach, and then going back home and living life as before? Is being a Christian just the baptism you had when you were a baby? Or is it simply for aesthetics—something you post about on social media? To answer these questions, here are a few young Christians who share what it means to be a Christian.

A Christian young adult


To be a Christian is to have a personal relationship with the Lord. A Christian is someone whose behaviour and heart reflect Jesus Christ. A Christian is a person who trusts the Lord for their eternal salvation and seeks to follow him in their daily life.

A Christian young adult


Well, being a Christian means me being able to live like Jesus Christ, me being able to mimic everything about him, though I’m not going to be able to do it perfectly because there’s only one holy one, but we are going to do our best to try to be as perfect as He wants us to be, through His help, of course.

That’s what it means for me to be Christian. And also to move in love, to be humble, and to know that I was never going to be where I am today if it wasn’t for my Lord.

A Christian young adult


Being a Christian is more than a title held by those who congregate in churches and synagogues every Sunday. It denotes a firm set of beliefs and ideals. At its essence, being a Christian means adhering to Jesus Christ’s teachings and attempting to live a life of faith, love, and compassion. It entails embracing Jesus as Saviour and pursuing a personal relationship with Him via prayer, worship, and Bible study.

Being a Christian also entails attempting to exemplify the characteristics of love, forgiveness, and humility, as well as treating others with dignity and empathy. It is attempting to love one’s neighbour as oneself and actively participating in acts of service and charity in order to have a beneficial impact on the world.

For Christians, faith is a call to action that includes advocating justice and caring for those in need. Finally, being a Christian is a path of development, aiming to match one’s life with Christ’s teachings and living with hope in God’s promises.

In short, being a Christian means placing Christ at the centre of your life and inspiring that same desire in others.

A Christian young adult


To be Christian means to be Christ-like; in fact, that’s the definition of Christian: to be living like Jesus. One of the most fantastic things is that Christianity is really a choice; it’s not something you can be forced to enter into or that people can force you to believe in. It is all up to you to believe in it. Christianity is mainly about living like Christ. His main purpose was to come and save us, and as Christians, we have to spread the message and educate others. We have to let people know the truth. Christianity is about saving lives and saving souls; that’s the main message.

A Christian young adult


Being Christian is different, or more different, when people think too deeply about it. For me, it’s living life on one core principle, which is “LOVE”. Love for the next person and love for God. Love makes us sacrifice for God and makes us obey God. Christ said in John 14:21–23, “Those who love me keep my commands,” so even obedience itself is based on love. You won’t be able to serve, forgive, or help a stranger without love inside of you. So, being Christian for me means being able to love the next person unconditionally, like Christ Himself loved us.

A Christian young adult


Being a Christian means believing in Jesus Christ and following his teachings. It’s like being part of a big family that loves and helps each other, and we try to be kind, honest, and caring to others, just like Jesus showed us.

A Christian young adult


From an early age, the aspect of being a Christian was kind of simple: “To be a follower of Christ”. Within that belief, it was seen as a simple construct set in stone that one must follow the laws as well as show compassion, forgiveness, and service to others.

As I grew older as a Christian, my understanding grew. I realised it was more than the acts. It was a deep understanding of His divine love. And as we were built in His image in accordance with our faith as Christians, we strive to further live a life like Christ. In a much broader term, a living sacrifice, as in accordance with John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

A Christian young adult


Being a Christian means being a follower of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Keywords: Lord and Saviour.

Being Christian means different things to different people, but it all comes down to being rooted in Christ Jesus, being Christ-like, and following what He has said. These young people expressing what it means to be Christian to them is touching, especially when not many people expect young adults to be radical followers of Jesus Christ.

Eeno Nangolo

Hi, I’m Eeno. I’m a lover of books and sunsets and everything “foodsie”.

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