In a world so inlove with hyper-connectivity and external validation, we may find ourselves put into a subconscious trance that we may not even realise it. Solo dates are a great way to break free from these societal norms or cultural biases as well as a great way to build up or fortify your self-love and self-acceptance.
Here are some of the benefits of solo dates:
An increase in self-esteem

We live in a society that is intoxicated with the sense of belonging and community, so much so that when someone seems to like their space or take some time to themselves, we find them odd and think of them as lonely.
This might discourage you to take solo dates to your favourite spots because you don’t want to be seen sitting alone. But why does a strong, independent man or woman like you need external validation? Go out there and enjoy yourself, my friend.
Rediscover the things you like

When we are in a relationship, we tend to see everything through the ‘coupledom’ lense. This means that our preferences are not the only ones that matter. We have to mix, match and compromise so that our partners are happy too. This is where solo dates come in, after your compromising spell, you might want to go on solo dates so you do 100% of what you like.
Develop new taste

If you are always going on dates with your partner or your friends, chances are that y’all have explored and found your favourite spots and now all you do is rotate your dates amongst those places. Solo dates allow you to go to that restaurant you always look at as you pass by or that new spot you saw on the internet but didn’t have anyone to go with, for example.
How to go on solo dates?
- When starting out, go on solo dates to your favourite spots or if it’s new, a place that is not so different. This is so that you are as comfortable as possible.
- Dressing up should be a priority. Dust off the suitcase and pick out those wildcard outfits and ‘sunday bests’. It will definitely lighten up the mood and make the experience fun and wholesome.
- Pick something from your bucket list that you can do alone. That way not only will you have fun doing it but you will feel accomplished as well, for having ticked one off the list.
So there you have it. Raincheck on the group hangout next time and go on a solo date instead.
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