Youth Activism and Social Justice: Ndiilokelwa Nthengwe
In a world where injustices persist and marginalized communities continue…
In a world where injustices persist and marginalized communities continue…
BY KALIPI NDANYAMA-ELAO It is disheartening to hear cases of…
Well could he? We explore the pressure placed on young men by media trends and its implications for both genders in heteronormative relationships.
She’s Got It Namibia is a Swakopmund-based non-profit organization that…
We took the time to ask the youth on their reflective and objective view of Namibia, particularly its development and economic state as well as touching on politics.
“I love counselling people my age and helping them deal with challenges in life,” says Iyaloo Shikola, a Grade 11 from Karasburg who stared save the boy child.
Trend cycles are moving so fast that we not only have to keep up with trends, but even micro-trends as well. These days, themes and collections aren’t trending, but rather singular items and small, obscure pieces are taken from bigger themes.
Why Russia vs. Ukraine is getting all the media’s attention….