With a current rise of support for movements that tackle gender-based violence, police brutality, LGBTQ+ legal protections, corruption and racism, our generation is on a mission for not only change, but justice too.
We have managed to shift the focus of society’s collective lens to the discrepancy of rights and experiences among the different groups that make up our society.
So, if you’ve been thinking of actively supporting a cause, but you’re lacking the know-how, here are 6 ways you can advance social justice in your community and make a difference in the world…
You must be the change you wish to see in the world
Mahatma Gandhi
1. Reflect on yourself
Before you go out and try to change anything about your community, you need to assess your own habits, morals and beliefs. You need to be able to recognize any beliefs you may have picked up that could harm the way you engage in advancing social justice. You must become open to growth and learning.

This is also an opportunity to consider your own interests! What are you passionate about? Let it drive you and inspire you to advance social justice.
2. Educate yourself

It’s crucial that you do all the research you can to educate yourself on the subject you’ve chosen to focus on. Devour information from as many sources as are available to you. Online research, books, newspapers, documentary films, and the websites of different social justice organizations that concern themselves with your cause all provide the start to a proper understanding of the issue.
3. Begin at home
You should be able to help people who could be struggling around you first before you can go out and help others.

You should know your own community before you go out into the world and find like-minded individuals, local organizations or campaigns you can join and support. You can’t promote social justice without a sense of community! Pay attention to the news and the public view of the cause you support.
4. Attend protests and demonstrations
This is where the community unites and uses their voice to get people’s attention. These events will give you the chance to perfect your activism and public speaking skills — which are important for someone who aims to be a social justice leader who can motivate others.

After proper research and taking the necessary precautions, don’t be afraid to organize your own. And if you’re scared of being alone, remember how Greta Thunberg used to sit alone outside of the Swedish parliament. Now she has millions of people behind her and the cause she fights for.

5. Get involved with politics
When it comes to social justice, we need to hold politicians accountable. Find out more about politicians and political parties in your community and learn what they stand for or where they stand on your particular cause.

Align yourself with them and support them or be brave enough to call them out or raise awareness about their lack of support for your cause. Vote, elect and keep yourself up to date with what the government does about your cause; that’s very important!
6. Show Solidarity

Donate, volunteer and post about it on social media. Invest your money into it and buy a t-shirt that represents the message you want to give. There are so many ways to show ongoing solidarity. This is also how you can spread the word!
Follow Imãn Ayisha on Instagram.
This is an important piece. 💜